
WorldSexList will automatically forward you to the best free dating website or app for Sex in your area. We determine the best based a number of factors like female to male member ratio, member feedback, and even our own personal experience. You can get started by clicking "Join Now".


Yes, absolutely! We here at WorldSexList personally use these sites for years to get laid. There's a lot of sex and hook ups on these sites. With that in mind please always remember to use protection! Let us know your experience by "contacting us".


Yes, any hook up sites or apps we forward you to are always absolutely 100% free to signup and get laid. There are features like appearing top of search results that are offered to premium members that can greatly increase your chances of getting laid, but are not required in order to get laid.


When found these profiles are typically deleted and their IP addresses banned. With that said dating websites and applications we forward you to pride themselves on privacy and don't require anything more than a valid email to sign up. So please use common sense and caution when communicating online or meeting someone in person. Although safety is our #1 priority. There is no way that we can do extensive background checks on members of these sites, and we expect you to understand that we cannot take responsibility for any pain, damage or suffering arising from your use of these sites. If you have any issues in regards to fake profiles or safety please "contacting us" immediately with as much detail as possible.